2010 is a pivotal year for the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs): two-thirds of the 15 years to achieve them has passed yet progress on the goals has been too slow in many parts of the world. Extreme poverty, hunger, diseases, lack of education and gender inequality persist at deplorable levels, threatening all forms of life on Earth.

The UN General Assembly will hold an MDG Summit on September 20-22, 2010, to review and decide how to accelerate progress on the goals towards 2015. It is our responsibility as civil society to make known to our government leaders that we demand appropriate action – promises must be kept.

Make noise for the MDGs! Participate in the global STAND UP and TAKE ACTION campaign on September 17-19, 2010. We need to insist that local and national leaders increase their efforts. Failure is not an option. The fate of humanity and the fate of planet Earth are inextricably connected. Make your voice heard: STAND UP and TAKE ACTION.

NGO Office, July 2010